Windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download.How to Backup Quick Access Folders in Windows 10


Folder Redirection & Quick Access Locations – Windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download



WEM -Folder redirection discrepancy between “Quick Access” and “This PC” – Windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download

Feb 14,  · Folder Redirection & Quick Access Locations. We currently redirect our users’ home folders, including Documents, Pictures, Downloads, Videos, etc to: Code: \\studentserver\share$\Intake17\17STest\Documents. So this means that the Downloads folder is redirected into: Code: \\studentserver\share$\Intake17\Documents\Downloads. By default, File Explorer opens to Quick Access. You can set a folder to show up in Quick access so it’ll be easy to find. Just right-click it and select Pin to Quick access. Unpin it when you don’t need it there anymore. If you want to see only your pinned folders, you can turn off recent files or frequent folders.


I generally have a number of different folders open at any time, many of them minimized to the taskbar. If I click the back arrow or hit Alt-left-arrow, the folder returns to display the previous location. This can happen to any of the folders that I have open, not just a windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download location.

If I have 8 folders open, I might hover over the folder icon in the taskbar and windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download that 2 or 3 of the folders have changed themselves to “Documents”, while windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download rest windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download showing the correct location meaning the location that it had been last displaying.

It seems totally random. While not a critical issue, this is indeed an annoyance. If anyone has an idea of нажмите чтобы прочитать больше I might remedy this I’d love to hear it. If click the back arrow or hit Alt-left-arrow make the folder return to previous location.

That means user or some sort of program did click the document нажмите для деталей that window. But theoretically it is not possible because we cannot take action on inactive window in Windows system, it is by design. If you are accustomed to using Key combination shortcut, try stop using that for a while see if it resolve the issue.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact tnmff microsoft. Hi Deason, thanks for your post. I am not sure what you mean by your comment above. Key combination shortcut for what? Also, using my computer for any length of time in clean boot mode is not viable for me. This is a work PC and too many things don’t work in clean boot. Unfortunately we cannot reproduce same behavior intest machinesin v ariety of environments, but we confirmed a similar behaviour u nder a special condition.

Because we could only take action on active window in Windows system and it is by design. The issue could be caused by improper operation. And we also wonder if these folders are sub folders of Document, we also did a test that if these folders are sub folders of Document, and most environment has folder redirection policy applied which means /19008.txt document folder are shared, and if you keeping these folders opening in file explorer, due to lack of shared path or network conditions might cause similar issues we already confirmed that.

Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Learn More. Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Windows 10 General. Sign in to vote. Thursday, November 12, PM. Regards, D. Wu Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. Monday, November 16, AM. Monday, November 16, PM.

Are there any experts out there who can help out with this problem? Friday, November 20, PM. Hi, Unfortunately we cannot reproduce same behavior intest machinesin v ariety of environments, but we confirmed a similar behaviour u nder a special condition.

We could disable these entry see if we can narrow down the problem. And we also wonder if these folders are sub folders of Document, we also did a test that if these folders are sub folders of Document, and most environment has folder redirection policy applied which means your document folder are shared, and if you keeping these folders opening in file explorer, due to lack of shared path or network conditions might cause similar windows 10 quick access folder redirection free download we already confirmed that Regards, D.

Monday, November 23, AM. Thanks for the response Deason. But the folder window that is redirected to My Documents isn’t even open or even visible when these /40316.txt combinations are pressed.

Do you still think that one of these could be the problem? Monday, November 23, PM.

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